Texas Farmers Union Scholarship
Texas Farmers Union was created in Point Texas in 1902 by ten family farmers coming together to fight for fair market prices for their commodities. Texas Farmers Union (TFU) was founded on three core beliefs: Education, Cooperation, and Legislation, which make up our symbol of a triangle. Education is considered the foundation of the triangle and the organization’s success. The two sides of the triangle represent Cooperation and Legislation. The Cooperation side of the triangle represents members working together to achieve common goals. The Legislation side of the triangle represents TFU’s lobbying efforts in the legislative arena.
In the spirit of our core beliefs, Texas Farmers Union strives to educate and train young adults to join the workforce and leadership roles of society. Therefore, we are offering the following scholarship:
Open to all graduating high school seniors, college students, and individuals who will be continuing their education in either a two-year or four-year accredited college, university, or technical school for any area of study. Must obtain a TFU membership.
Award Criteria:
Recipients will be selected based on academic records, social and community activities, a typed essay describing personal and professional goals, and any involvements with TFU and/or agriculture. A three-person committee appointed by the President of TFU will examine all entries and pick the winner of the scholarship.
Typed Essay on Topic:
Personal and professional goals, future endeavors, and any goals related to the betterment of agriculture and their communities.
One $2,000.00 scholarship will be awarded.
Application materials needed:
- Completed application form can be completed electronically through Google Forms or by printing out and mailing the PDF form. Please do not submit both, either an electronic or paper copy.
- A copy of your most recent complete academic school year’s transcript. This can be included in your application and does not need to be mailed separately by your school or university. If you are a college student, you can send an unofficial copy of your transcript that includes the current school year in addition to the previous year. For example: A college freshman would submit a senior year high school transcript and can include an unofficial copy of the fall semester transcript as well. A college sophomore or higher would only need to send a copy of their latest year transcript.
- Two letters of recommendation from a teacher, professor, school counselor, business owner, or TFU leader.
- Typed essay - Three pages, 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins.
Application Deadline:
April 1, 2025. Recipients will be selected and announced by May 31, 2025.